Looking for Public Policy Solutions? Some Lessons from the Bible (Speaker: Steve Ruth)

Steve Ruth

Are there useful lessons from the Bible to help economists manage inflation? How about political insights? Can we learn from the ancient kings and prophets, matriarchs and patriarchs about how to govern properly? What about the countless issues that are on page one every day such as: artificial intelligence, revenge porn, misinformation, political intrigue, agriculture policy, taxation, and a score of others? This course takes direct aim at linking the Bible with current events today. It includes management advice to Solomon from his father-in-law; agricultural policy in ancient Egypt under Joseph’s guidance; King Josiah’s response to an unfavorable report unearthed unexpectedly; St. Paul’s perspective on slavery, women’s rights and celibacy; Mary Magdalene on giving financial support to a controversial movement; and of course, the teachings of Jesus on division of wealth, rights of the poor and the indigent, and dozens more. No Bible knowledge is expected.

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