A New Look at Famous Biblical Curses and Blessings: Do They Apply Today? (Speaker: Steve Ruth)
The current political climate seems to be filled with threats and sometimes near-apocalyptic warnings. Stephen Ruth finds them very similar to some of the biblical writings. The Bible’s major and minor prophets feature curses, threats, and fierce complaints against Israel’s enemies, as well as stern commentaries aimed at the people of Israel themselves. The Torah has examples of horrific threats against those who do not obey God’s commands. At times Jesus was an apocalyptic preacher and the Book of Revelation frequently has threatening messages—and St. Paul’s epistles have elements that are quite severe. Currently, some page-one stories about the artificial intelligence, dark web, revenge porn, deep fake, and ransomware might remind a reader of passages in Isaiah, Ezekiel, or Jeremiah. But the Bible is also filled with some of the most beautiful and hopeful blessings and prophecies to be found anywhere in literature. This class will balance some of the harsh Bible elements with incomparably uplifting passages about dry bones living again, light overpowering darkness, love overcoming hate, and many others. No previous knowledge is needed, and the instructor promises that nearly all of these passages—happy and sad—will be familiar, even though their biblical origins might be surprising.
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