Mohan Venigalla
Mohan Venigalla specializes in transportation systems analysis and planning with an emphasis on sustainable transportation. His early career (for 12 years) was primarily in engineering consulting and research. He has been engaged in his present teaching and academic research career since 2000.
Venigalla’s expertise includes modeling of transportation systems encompassing travel behavior analysis, travel demand modeling, traffic simulation, network analysis, and intelligent transportation systems. His current and prior works covered a range of topics on transportation planning, air quality, transit-oriented developments, shared mobility, and urban freight planning. His skill set includes traditional quantitative and statistical methods, geographic information systems, data mining, and big data analytics. He has developed and applied numerous computer models for solving various transportation planning and traffic engineering problems.
Venigalla’s research on air quality received national acclaim and was recognized by the National Academy of Sciences with the prestigious Pyke Johnson Award. He was elected a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers and is a registered professional engineer in the Commonwealth of Virginia.